a beautiful day
it truely was... sunny, crystal clear (i could see N. and S. Uist in the distance) and a slight wind, which was from the north (meaning cold). Out at 8:30am to watch my pets, got to know a lot more of them today. Around 11 I followed Leslie around while she took pictures (I was 'goated out' by then... I can only learn about 6-7 per day or they all start to look the same again). I decided to take advantage of the day and walk into town for this evening's festivities (Robbie Burns day), since Annie was going anyway (home for the weekend). Tomorrow I volunteered myself to aid with the stalkers and guilles out in the hills. Most likely I'll be leading a pony, but maybe I can drag a deer or something cool.Got up to relieve myself around 4am this morning and stood dumbstruck at the sky. Never have I seen such. If it wasn't for the numbing wind, I would have spent several hours out there... but my nice warm sleeping bag was calling. another post Saturday... and for christ's sake... a Conservative government??? Voters need to be slapped. but hahaha, I'm safe in Scotland.
I wanted isolation, and that's exactly what I got :) I'm safe and sound on the Isle of Rum. Got here tuesday afternoon and went to Harris Bay wednesday. The land rover is just barely able to make it over the track leading to my new home. We have a quad bike for trips back and forth but it's currently out of commission... Annie and I had a nice walk into town yesterday (2hrs, beautiful scenery). The Bothy: rustic in every sense of the word. Four rooms (plus a kitchen and bathroom), wood floors (carpeted with 100 years of dirt and coal dust), and one fireplace. I sleep on a steel spring cot and read by candle light... I love it. The first day was quite a shock, and I didn't get a wink of sleep as my mind was racing. But after walking around for several hours the next day I was good to go. The goats literally walk past the bothy each morning, so it's quite easy to track them. So far I've managed to learn the names of roughly 10... out of 70. Apparently it takes about 3 weeks to master it. Initially they were quite ugly brutes, but they've grown on me... and the little kids (about 12 of them) are adorable. Friday was the best day I've had in a long time. The sun was shining, the sea was calm and I was at peace - I knew I made the right decision in coming here. Also, that night brought the first episode of uninterrupted sleep in over 2 years. Last night I met the locals in the shop (10x10' store that somehow manages accomadate 20+ people, a counter, a fridge and all the islands food). Had my first taste of whiskey too - glenmorganie (?). meh... I don't see what all the fuss is about, I'll stick to my beer. I remember having a discussion with Sharon about evolution... she doesn't believe in it, rather, humans are unique and came from some sort of interplanetary mingling way back and the powers that be are keeping this knowledge from us. I kid you not. The conversation ended with me showing her my newest tatto and reaching for another beer. Played a few games of pool with Shuggy (just spelling it how it sounds) and then stumbled home to the castle. I've heard that come march I may head out with the stalkers to do some researcher on other goat herds before they're culled (planting trees in that area). That means pletty of excercise and fresh air. Once the goats are killed I move in to take an ear (for DNA analysis) and kidneys (gauge body fat)... fun stuff :) I may post another one this week when I pick up the vegetable order from town, if not... saturday for sure. Hope all is well back home, I think about everyone daily. Ian I'm going to enjoy this.
a 6 hr train ride awaits
This might be the last post for several days (not much longer than a week though) as I'm now going 'off the grid'. Didn't sleep much last night as my mind was racing. Went to Chris's football match yesterday (still no goal, despite being promised several... remember Chris, the ball goes between the two white posts, not outside) and had a nice farewell dinner (and beverages). It's nice to know there's always a place for me in Scotland. If anyone's interested, here's some info on Mallaig (where I'm spending tonight). until Rum....
ps... Mom & Dad: thanks for all the help in the last few days :)
Still game
Bought my ticket to Mallaig today... online, as I was too lazy to make it to the station in person. This morning I finally got a UK bank account, although it's not going to help me much as there are no debit machines on Rum (they only accept cheque and unfortunately my account is a limited one). Last night was great fun - myself, George and Yvonne went to a hall for a party. A son of one of their friends is going to University in the States, and the night was an effort to alleviate the financial burden (raised over £1100). Maybe I should look into something similar ;) My week is as follows: train to Mallaig on monday (traveling over that massive viaduct featured in the Harry Potter films), a night in a coastal B&B, then the ferry Tuesday morning to Rum. Annie and I have been invited a PHd Student's house on Rum for dinner when we arrive. Tuesday night will be spent in the Castle in Kinloch, as we need to wait for someone to drive our stuff out to the bothy in a land rover (while one of us takes the quad across). I'm getting restless, and ready to go... all my dreams are Rum based (the island, not the booze). I started a great book (Glencoe) about the infamous Glencoe massacres and it's providing me with a nice overview of Highland history... or at least the more bloody conflicts of the region. My broadsword is on order at Tescos. I'll post one more before I head out... I'm thinking of you all back home :)
I must admit...
this blog is working out quite nicely. It's great to hear from everyone, as it does get a tad lonely over here some times (bound to happen when you only know 4 people in the country). Thanks for your support, I love you all.Ian
after much searching...
I found a picture of the Harris Bothy... my new homeAlso, I made some changes so anyone can post now (without registering). I'll see how it goes for a while.
Liverpool and Back
Yesterday featured roughly 10 hrs of mass public transit on a return trip to Liverpool. I must say I feel much better about the whole project after meeting Dr. Dunbar and Annie. Annie seems really nice, although she took a while to warm up to me... must be my good looks and charming accent (that's what I tell myself). We sat and talked for about 2 hrs in Dunbar's office, going over the in's and out's of Rum. Apparently I'm not to engage in any of the local 'fights' that sometime erupt after a night of whiskey drinking, nor fall off the 1000' sea cliffs and break my leg like a Warden did a few years back (subsequently dying of exposure after 3 days). Lol. Don't worry Mom, the girls said there was only one fight (between two deer stalkers) and we don't work around the cliffs. They had nothing but positive things to say about their experience, and if it's misty out...we stay in. Annie and I meet up in Edinburgh on Monday morning to catch the train to the coastal town of Mallaig, where we stay a night and catch the morning ferry to our home for 8 months. The good news is we are allowed to leave the island once and a while to prevent us from going mad. Today I'm off to open my first offshores account, with the Royal Bank of Scotland ;)
Hearts 2 - Kilmarnock 1
Went to my first football game today with Chris in Edinburgh... watched Hearts beat up on visiting Kilmarnock. We even managed to get ourselves on the tele, about 1/2 way through the second half. Been here 3 days and already famous. I'm waiting for the cheque. True to form, it's been eat, drink and sleep since I arrived. I'm taking a few days off so I'm somewhat normal when making the trek to Liverpool on Monday to meet Robin and the now 'infamous' Annie.
more to come
New Address
Ian MacDonald Harris Bothy Isle of Rum via Mallaig Scotland PH43 4RR