January 10, 2006

Liverpool and Back

Yesterday featured roughly 10 hrs of mass public transit on a return trip to Liverpool. I must say I feel much better about the whole project after meeting Dr. Dunbar and Annie. Annie seems really nice, although she took a while to warm up to me... must be my good looks and charming accent (that's what I tell myself). We sat and talked for about 2 hrs in Dunbar's office, going over the in's and out's of Rum. Apparently I'm not to engage in any of the local 'fights' that sometime erupt after a night of whiskey drinking, nor fall off the 1000' sea cliffs and break my leg like a Warden did a few years back (subsequently dying of exposure after 3 days). Lol. Don't worry Mom, the girls said there was only one fight (between two deer stalkers) and we don't work around the cliffs. They had nothing but positive things to say about their experience, and if it's misty out...we stay in.
Annie and I meet up in Edinburgh on Monday morning to catch the train to the coastal town of Mallaig, where we stay a night and catch the morning ferry to our home for 8 months. The good news is we are allowed to leave the island once and a while to prevent us from going mad.

Today I'm off to open my first offshores account, with the Royal Bank of Scotland ;)


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