August 04, 2007

A slight de-railment

Annie and I are finished.

I could go on about being in different places and wanting different things but the long and the short is that Annie was having doubts, and after some fierce introspection I agree. I loved her deeply, more than anyone else so far, but that in itself doesn't make it 'right'. Our interests were diverging. We ended things amicably, finishing off with a trip to the cinema to watch the latest installment of Harry Potter. I may see her in September as she always did promise to show me Hadrians Wall. Until then it's best to stay out of touch if we're to finish our respective projects in relative mental harmony.

I'm ok. It was rough couple of days (happened Wednesday, we talked about it since Sunday) but my mates here have been top notch. I was never one to lean on people in times of personal hardship, but now I see the folly of my previous ways... it makes all the difference in the world. A big shout goes out to Dave and Jack, always willing for a pint at the AJ on campus and some conversation. I'm using this newly 'awarded' free time to pursue my own interests - aikido lessons at the athletic complex, running, lots of walks, spending time with coursemates, Blogging, dusting off my alternative account of evolutionary theory and boning up on scientific realism. My project is coming along well too. I just need my control group and I can start making comparisons. I intend to start writing the methods and intro on Monday (giving myself a break for the weekend).

What this means is I am no longer going to Aberdeen to brave the elements and collect my thoughts while she starts her PhD. I'm quite all right with this. Aberdeen was not my first choice and there were few prospects for my academic interests up there. I haven't a clue what I'm going to do now though. Toying with the idea of returning to Canada but then I'll just have to turn around and come back in December for graduation. Earlier tonight I was scanning some uni pages (Stirling and St. Andrews) and emailing various professors with inquires. If I stay I'll have to jump through some flaming hoops to get the VISA sorted, but it shouldn't be too bad. Life goes on and time will tell. It is a bit late though. Maybe I can get my profs to pull a few strings.

My buddy Nick is in Munich at the end of the month and trying to convince me to come visit for a couple of days... and I'm tempted (I even have some German language software hidden on my pc somewhere). Friends, beer, sausages and incredibly fit German women. Who could say no to that? Have to check the finances first. And make sure I have a proper handle on my dissertation.
well... i'm off to bed.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Ian,

Sorry to hear things havn't worked out with Annie, she's a good girl.

Glad to hear you're bouncing back and getting back into blogging as I havn't seen a post in a hell of a long time.

Would be good to hear more about your project and research.

You can always jump over to Bermuda to clear your head :)

Zoom flies here for cheap.


10:14 PM  

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