February 07, 2006

Helicopters and Haggis

That's right... I got my first helicopter ride yesterday. Picked Portia and I up right up in front of the castle, flew us a few clicks inland, dropped us off at a quarry (in the rain) where we stood for 30 minutes and watched it ferry bags of rock back and forth to another part of the island (to fix the ailing road). The real reason the copter was in was to help with the deer cull. Ususlly they use a boat to get to the more remote parts of the island, but it's out of commission (like everything else). They got a whopping 54 deer yesterday, and are aiming for another 40 today. It's a bloodbath on Rum. Well... not really. It either takes 2 stalkers 5-10 days to get that number, or 5 stalkers 2 days. Personally I don't care... I just want some venison.
So... no camera yet. And it's a damn shame too. Kim gave me a tour of the castle (including the ballroom, which is perfect for sliding with socked feet ;) and then we had a billards night in the actual billards room (over 100 years old). Amazing. I spent Saturday 'hoovering' the halls of the castle and cleaning the kitchen (the least I could do... I am staying for free). Portia keeps trying to get me into the larder to see some deer carcasses, but I keep finding excuses not to go. I don't really want to see 54 deer hanging from the ceiling and 2-3" of blood on the floor.
I'd like for people to recommend some reading material for me. All I have is rather heavy scientific stuff, which is ultimately my favourite, but can only be had in small doses. Give me some fiction (witty, deep, thought provoking, classics etc) and I can track them down.

oh, about the haggis... I bought one for dinner tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,

According to the tracking system from Canada Post, your parcel including your camera has gone through customs, arrive at the local delivery destination and is now out to be delivered. What this means in terms of expected delivery date, I have no idea but it sounds good.
As far as books are concerned, I would recommend any of Leon Uris books; The Haj, Exodus, Redemption. All really great books! Another is The Life of Pye. I can't remember the author. Try John Irving's, Prayer for Owen Meany. Also, David Adams Richards' Mercy Among the Children.
Dad says you should consider James Joyce, Ulysses. John Kennedy Toole's Confederacy of Dunces (one of Paul's favorite books.
How will you have access to these books?
Hopefully we will hear from you this weekend.
I miss our cribbage cards games.

Lots of love, Mum

10:40 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

The helicopter was a fully licensed commercial pilot who was trained in the Royal Air Force... so I had absolute faith in him. But he's gone now, it was only a few days to get the numbers up (final tally: 102 deer removed). Quite honestlty... the first thing I was reminded of when I arrived in the Highlands was 'The Chrysalids', and I had a similar experience driving through Pennsilvania late last year. Weird country.
Mom: I'll check the local library (a shed by the bay) for some books, and I miss our crib games too... Annie doesn't like the game.

2:14 PM  

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